PythonicApple: How To Play



OnTheWeb PythonicApple (Retro Snake Game) made with Transcrypt-Python

Origins & Changes

OTW Pythonic Apple is based on one of my favorite retro games, Snake. The original game, or the closest to the original game online version, can be found at However, this version of the snake game, Pythonic Apple has many of the same rules, but is different from the most versions of the game in 3 very different ways:

  1. there are obstacles that protect the apple from being eaten,
  2. the canvas randomly changes color after a certain score is reached.
  3. the canvas where the snake game is played on bounces around the screen in a predicted way after a certain score is reached, and


Desktop/Laptop Computer

This option to playing the game has the best experience and is most comfortable to play on. Press the LEFT or RIGHT arrow key to turn the snake left or right from its perspective. Press 'P' to pause the game.

All Mobile Devices & Computers

All devices may tap (mobile devices) or mouse-click (non-mobile devices) on a side of the screen to change the snake's direction. This means that if you tap on the left side of the screen, then the snake will turn left, and if you tap on the right side of the screen, then the snake will turn right. There is currently no mobile feature to pause the game. Increased functionality will come in later updates.

Visual Representation of Controls

Left Arrow Key

This key turns the snake to ITS left.

Right Arrow Key

This key turns the snake to ITS right.

P Key

This key pauses the game.

P Key

Tapping on the left side of the screen turns the snake to ITS left.

P Key

Tapping on the right side of the screen turns the snake to ITS right.

Tips and Tricks

Die at the right time

You never know when a Mongoose (a yellow block moving in a straight line) is going to sneak up on you. A Mongoose may spawn and eat your tail off, effectively diminishing your score.

Watch these Videos

If you are stuck, then try watching some of these below videos: